Category Archives: Inspirational

The Lost Entries

Ok sooooo I fell off.  But guess what…..I’m back on.  So to preserve my posts and keep my promise to myself to follow will a segment I will call “The Lost Entries”. This is how I will catch myself back up if ever I fall off again which is bound to happen in this thing called life. This will at least keep me honest!!

My last food post was April 13th, journal Day 135. I jotted down my meals on a random piece of paper what I have been eating for Days 136-147 and now have no clue where it is. Therefore, I will not post my food journal here but let’s just say I have not been as good as I would like to be.  I have been OK…OK for me is stellar for most but OK is not enough in my book so yesterday I started another mini cleanse to gain back a  little control.  14 days of clean eating, no alcohol, no junk, no snack.  Just clean whole food for the sake of what food was meant to do, nourish me! Oh and little to NO CARBS.  Not even healthy complex ones – maybe once per day at most, if that.

Sidebar: My 10th wedding anniversary is approaching and I plan to celebrate so I need to do this now! Alcohol will definitely be involved :o).

Honestly, I have had more chips, sugar, and saturated fat for a while. Truth be told, I blocked out the last 10 or so days of my life. No real reason, I am all good. Sometimes it just be like that!

What has been on point is my workout.  I tend to over compensate in one area when the other is lacking.  My meals have been bad considering but my fitness level has been UP.  I worked out hard 8 days straight during this mini hiatus.  Took 2 days off and been going ever since. Today is Kick boxing class, yesterday it was 4 miles, Saturday and Sunday a little more plus spot training like weights, ab ball, jump rope, push ups, dips to name a few.

Day 109

Workout – None.  Had a big lunch meeting with the parent company of 28 Days to Health to discuss some expanding business options.  Exciting. Good people!

Breakfast – Small green apple.  Early Lunch or was supposed to be so I opted for something REALLY light. Which lead to me eating half a grab bag of Doritos! Lunch got pushed back, twice so I ended up at the car wash to waste some time and was hungry. UGH.

Lunch – Season’s 52.  Food here is really good.  Every meal is 475 calories or less. Shot sized desserts too! They also have a gluten free menu. The food on regular menu is cleanse worthy, with plenty of gluten free items. Had salmon salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Also had 2 pieces of flat bread appetizer. 2 glasses of red wine.

Dinner – Collard greens and smoked turkey. Few almonds and raisins.  I do NOT know why I but this since its my weakness.  I guess I could be eating much worse!!! I always have some kind of nuts and organic raisins in the crib. Always.

Did you know?

Attention Athletes! Ditch the sugary, fluorescent, artifically colored sports drink for a healthy version that will keep you hydrated on your long workouts:

Mix coconut water, coconut milk, and fresh pineapple juice (amounts vary depending on taste) and enjoy! FYI: Coconut water has more potassium than a banana. Drink up!

Day 66

Day 31/18 of Detox…today is the beginning of 3 shakes per day for 4 consecutive day.  Problem is that I am not quite ready to do this and refuse to straddle a weekend, especially Superbowl weekend!!  I will not drink any alcohol but I will allow myself one healthy solid meal on Sunday. I will begin my “day 18” on Monday.  Keep in mind that I am a mini pro at this so me moving around the days does not hurt me at all. I will have done this detox for almost 2 months if not more by the time I decide to come off so it’s ALL GOOD!

Workout – Zumba!! A little late like normal but got warmed up pretty fast!

Breakfast – Berry shake with all the fixing’s.

Lunch – Same as above, LOL

Dinner – Medium salad made with romaine, cherry tomatoes, olives and red onions. Olive oil, bragg amino, cider vinegar, salt and pepper. 4 baked Mardi Gras wing drums from Publix. Half bite if chocolate cake bite with herb tea.

28 Days Away!!!

Did you see the 28 Days to Health Cleanse article in the January 2011 issue of Diablo Magazine? Diablo Magazine became aware of all the buzz 28 Days to Health has created in the East Bay and

Continue reading 28 Days Away!!!

Never Too Late

New Year, New You……New Year Resolutions don’t have to start on January 1st.  You can change your life whenever you make the choice.  It is never too late to create a Plan B for your financial future or turn your health around.

Helping others is an awesome feeling and an amazing thing and I promise…..There is nothing more rewarding than changing a persons life! Try it on, I guarantee it fits. It’s NEVER TOO LATE to help someone.
