So its 2011 and guess what?  You have just inherited a clean slate, a do over.  Dust yourself off, take a look at what you see around you and immediately begin to work on whatever improvements you would like in your future.  While doing this, you will notice that you are still learning about yourself and while you absolutely have come a long way, you still have along way to go.  BUT change is amazing.  It awakens your senses and forces you to see things differently.  It forces you to use parts of your mind, body, spirit and soul that you have not regularly tapped into. The only constant is change, figure out a way to embrace it. Evolve into a better person, husband, wife, friend, mother, father, brother, sister, partner, mate. How are you going to improve upon yourself?  What are your goals for 2011?  If your 2010 was anything like mine, you want nothing but a better 2011.   And if you are anything like me, you will do whatever you can to make this happen.  Move out of your own way.  Its YOU that is stopping you from that dream, that goal, aspiration and vision you have. Make 2011 the best year you possibly can by doing everything in your power to improve upon your existing life. Go for broke, lose sleep, skip a meal or 5, be a student to your mission and your goal and most of all stay prayerful.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy new year and a prosperous 2011!!

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