Enough is Enough

What sparked this post is I am realizing that I have a ton of  friends and people in my life who don’t believe in themselves.  They don’t trust themselves.  They believe they are the exact same person they used to be.  Besides, they “kept it real” all their life why change now, why grow – whats wrong with who I am?  Tell me how it’s possible to NEVER evolve and become a better judge of who you are? And to only remember the worst of yourself and not believe in and get to know the best of yourself? How is this possible? You gotta believe you will not make that same dumb ass, bad decision again. If you don’t you WILL repeat your mistakes, large and small, simply by continuing to believe you ARE that same person. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Everything is up to you and your spiritual power. EVERYTHING, so change the voices in your head and have faith because you are not who you used to be.

I want us ALL to be in the business of empowerment.  Empower YOU.  Empower your friends, family and neighbors – men, women and children. My guess is empowerment probably starts with self love, I am not sure but perhaps this is the best place to begin. Stop being so critical of yourself and love yourself for who you are, where you are and what you are (inside and out). It is from here that you can begin to change what you do not like.

I am often told that I should be a life coach.  I am not real sure what that is nor what that really means to me.  Does one get a secondary degree in “Life Coach”?  I think not.  Life happens and you learn as you go along. Well let’s say some people do, I happen to be one of them. I am candid, honest, objective rarely subjective and very practical – this must be the qualification(s) for a life coach.

Graceful Indulgence is in the business of empowerment.  All the way around.  Yes we specialize in wellness and nutrition.  Yes we are in a partnership with the Webster Foundation who serves overweight and obese young girls.  BUT we are also developing our self as a platform for self belief, self worth and self validation – helping with being the best YOU possible.

Let’s end with something Oprah said that absolutely inspires me daily to believe in myself and to be ever growing:

“The only courage you ever need is the courage to live the life of your dreams. You are responsible for your life.  If you’re waiting for somebody else to do something for you, to fix it, to save you, to complete you – you are wasting your time. It’s really up to you. You are energy, the energy you put out is the energy you will get back.”



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