Tag Archives: Lose weight and keep it off

Grass vs. Grain

Cows were designed to graze pastures and eat grass.  Although most Americans know this, they do not make the correlation between this natural state and the fact that the beef they eat is not grass fed but grain fed!  The food that cows eats, mostly a corn and/or grain potluck, result in the overall health of the cow.

Grain fed beef is the beef MOST Americans eat today. The cows of today are typically raised in a giant feed lot where the animals are packed so tightly they can not move let alone turn around. The typical feed contains many different things like corn, barley, hay, process grain by-products, rendered animal products like other dead animal parts, animal waste, restaurant waste and a ton of antibiotics to keep down disease and infestation – simply put they are standing in their OWN feces, of course they need some kind of drugs! Since they are not being fed a normal diet, their body compositions changes.  This results in sickly cows that require antibiotics just to stay alive long enough to be slaughtered so they can make it to your dining table. Grain fed cows are eating a food product that does not have sufficient nutrients normally present in grass fed cows and have an unbalanced ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fats normally balanced in grass fed cows.

Grass fed beef is raised humanely and naturally. They roam pastures, graze on grass that has not been sprayed with pesticides and are healthy animals. They are lower in fat and calories, being leaner than grain fed beef results in overall lower calories.  By the way, they actually MOVE around through out the day so they get exercise which helps to raised their Omega 3 levels – the Omega 3 levels are up to 4 times higher than the grain fed cow.  Omega 3’s are your “good” fats and are essential for every cell and system in the body. They have proven benefits to help the heart, lower blood pressure, promotes brain function aids in weight loss and helps prevent auto-immune diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s etc. Grass fed beef  vs grain fed beef has up to 5 times more Conjugated Linoleic  Acid (CLA) which has shown a dramatic impact on cancer prevention.  Grass fed beef is also rich in Vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant; many Americans are deficient in Vitamin E.

Buy and eat grass fed beef – its good for your health, supports local farms, much more humane and better for the environment. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.

Info obtained from www.eatwild.com

Day 157

HAPPY 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO ME!!!  I am chilling today, doing my work from home and whatever I feel like doing the rest of the day. This is a major thing I am very VERY proud!!

Workout – 3.1 miles, 225 push ups and dips.

Breakfast – small sliced green apple with sea salt.

Lunch – A few spoons of homemade chili and coleslaw.

Dinner – Bowl of homemade chili. It was organic and spicy.  And great!

Day 153

Workout – 4.5 miles at the park.  I am determined to get my body fat percentage down. Its not bad as most but this is my own personal goal. My weight is OK 136 today on the scale. But 33% body fat? Oh HELL NO, this is unacceptable.  Crazy thing is I feel lean and light as ever. BUT I am up-ing the ante but doing weight more often. Starting Tuesday after kick boxing class. I will check it in exactly 30 days.

Breakfast – Chocolate protein shake shaken not blended.  Flax, fiber, DT.

Lunch – Large green apple, Mardi Gras wings from publix.

Dinner – Collards, okra and baked chicken. 3 Hershey’s miniatures dark and roasted mixed nuts.

Day 148

I am back….picking this thing up starting today with the right posts. Dont be surpried if you see “the Lost Entries” segment again but for now let’s do this.

Workout – Kick boxing class.  My knee and hip is bothering me, go figure.  Maybe I am getting old? Nope just better.

Breakfast – I have actually had protein shakes for almost all of the missing days, mostly chocolate. Its the night time where I fall off. Oh and the cocktails. Today I had vanilla protein shake with 4 fresh strawberries.

Lunch – Cucumber, cherry tomatoes, 2 baked wing drums.

Dinner – sauteed cabbage with baby carrots. 2 baked wing drums. NO carbs! Plenty of water all day.

Day 133

Workout – Its Sunday…I skipped it. Was a gorgeous day but I chilled ALL day. Hard.

Breakfast – protein shake, vanilla with all the stuff.

Lunch – Turkey sandwich no bread.  Havarti cheese, spicy mustard.

Dinner – more junk food. Cheese popcorn and nuts. Some other things I am forgetting. Oh Reese’s mini cups for dessert. LOL. That is not funny, what am I LOL-ing?

Day 132

Workout – 4 miles and 216 push up…BUT those sit ups are another thing.  I am still talking myself into doing them, LOL. Stay tuned.

Breakfast – fried egg in evoo, whole grain English muffin, 1/2 teaspoon almond butter and 1/2 teaspoon strawberry preserves. 3 sausage links.  YUMMY

Lunch- meals were ALL wrong today. Ate a big bowl of collards for lunch.

Dinner – skipped it but ate junk instead.  chocolate covered raisins, pecans, walnuts and almonds were my dinner.  along with a couple skinny margaritas!

Day 129

Workout – Zumba class.  Late like I usually am and was not feeling it today but did the best I could!! By the way, those 200 sit ups did not happen yet.  Still working on that.  I am a step closer because I am actually remembering that I didn’t do them, before I never even thought about them!

Breakfast – Protein shake…they have been hard to get down lately. Going to switch to chocolate for a while soon.

Lunch – The rest of my shake, a little fruit and 4 baked lemon pepper wing drums.

Dinner – can of Amy’s southwestern vegetable soup and 3 ounces of tuna. Nuts and raisin’s for dessert/night cap!

Acid vs Alkaline

Are you too acidic? Some signs of an acid-alkaline imbalance are: fatigue, cold hands and feet, mild headaches, allergies, bloating, rapid breathing, panic feelings, irritability, acne, and low sex drive. Is it time for a cleanse to get your body back in balance?

pH is very important to your body’s balance – body should be in the neutral zone 7.4 on the acidic measuring stick. Eat a more alkaline forming diet, less acidic. EAT CLEAN!


Day 128

Workout – Kick boxing class.  Full class, good work out.  A long arm routine with weights.

Breakfast – Vanilla shake.  Its been taking me longer to drink them and I have been eating breakfast a lot later for some reason. I should be eating within 1 hour of rising!!  I have to do better.

Lunch – Small spinach salad, tomato, carrots, mushrooms, green and red peppers, scallions, cucumber. 2 baked wing drums.

Dinner – 4 baked wing drums, lemon pepper. Sliced small honey crisp apple.

Today starts those sit ups…stay tuned to tomorrow to see if I made good on my promise to myself!!

Day 127

Workout – RUN IN THE PARK!!  I am on a roll, I am trying not to skip a day for 2 weeks straight.  Will let you know how I do. LOL. I am also promising myself 200 sit ups a day.  Its not that I cant do them its remembering to.  I need to put this at the front of my mind and instead of just thinking it and do it! Matter of fact, tomorrow I will begin!! 200 sit ups before I do to bed or right when I wake.

Breakfast – Vanilla protein shake, 2 strawberries, 1/2 cup of mixed berries, hemp, chia seeds, fiber and diatomaceous earth.

Lunch – cucumber, tomato, 3 baked wing drums.

Dinner – Green apple, can of vegetable soup 2 baked wing drums.