Day 1

Workout – 25 minutes on tread-climber w intervals/speed bursts to lower and raise heart rate. 2 sets sit ups on Pilate ball.

Breakfast – 8 oz of plain water. Protein shake with strawberries, blueberries, mixed berries, 1/4 banana, flax seed, heaping scoop vegan protein power, scoop of fiber and 1/4 cup coconut milk.  Big cup of water with 1/2 tablespoons of powder greens (by Paleo).  8 oz cup of brewed green tea. Drank 1/2 for breakfast and the other half as a recovery meal after vigorous exercise.

Lunch – 2/3 cucumber sliced and approx 1 cup of cherry tomatoes cut in half mixed in salt, pepper, Mrs Dash table salt substitute, splash of wishbone Italian dressing, splash of apple cider vinegar, dash of olive oil and squirt of braggs amino acids (you will find I eat this often, its like my favorite thing, go figure).  4 Mardi Gras wings (from Publix, some of you may be familiar, they are awesome and I love them because they are baked and spicy!)  A medium sized green apple sliced sprinkled with salt. Bottled water, 8 oz of brewed honey chamomile and detox (yogi brand) tea. Oh and the rest of the skinny margarita I had from last night…OK I know I am at work but don’t judge me. Besides, it was a sip or 3 and I said HONEST did’t I?

Dinner – Huge salad with all the fancy lettuces (not organic, on sale!) cucumber, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, scallions, carrots 1/4 cup of chopped walnuts and 2 tablespoons of Italian dressing, a drizzle of French and drizzle of ranch  (which I actually should not have had especially since I sprang for the bbq sauce but oh well, too late now!) pinch salt, pepper & a squirt of braggs amino. 1 Grilled chicken breast with approx 2 tablespoon of bbq sauce. 1/2 tablespoon powder greens in 18 oz water, a cup of brewed mangosteen green tea (yum) and another cup of plain water.

My first goal is to drink 80-100 oz of water daily.  You should drink at minimum half your weight in water in ounces.  Weigh 150? Drink 75 oz. Unless you are an athlete or work out consistently then add more! My second important short term goal is to CUT OUT THE LATE NIGHT SNACKS!  Lol, its become ridiculous and I have got to control the snack and don’t let the snacks control me. Snacks are cool in moderation otherwise, rest your digestive system it will appreciate you for doing so.

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